October 4, 1996 update

Well, I haven't done as much with this page as I originally intended, but I have been busy with other aspects of the net. About all I have done to my home page is add a hit counter, and even that I don't totally understand. My provider just gave me the code to insert into my page. So much information, so little time... I haven't even been mudding in like a month.

I have finally learned how to use the IRC, and News groups, but have for the most part ruled them a vast wasteland for lifeless people. These features of the net are useful for planned, specific meetings, and conferences for family, friends, or business, but to go out and try to talk to people at random is for the truly bored individual. I have also been doing alot of reading. Last month's book of the month, "The Pickwick Papers," was very long, and took a bit of an effort to read, but in the end I'm glad I read it. Time magazine continues to keep me coming back every week, and I am always happy to see a new update on Walter Miller's page.

Well, enough of this... Time to get back to surfing :) I'll write some more when I feel like it...

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