April 29, 1998 Update

Due to some changes in my provider's system configuration, my hit counter doesn't work anymore. In order to make it work, I would have had to name my main file (home page) index.shtml rather than .html. At first that seems like an easy fix but when you start thinking of all the places it would have to be changed -- who knows how many bookmarks -- so I decided to scrap the hit counter and learn to use Analog.

With some help from my system administrator I got it working pretty well -- far, far better than a simple hit counter, anyway. I've added two buttons, just below my guestbook, on my home page. You can now look at statistics for my pages for the last week and the last month.

I'm pretty happy with the reports as they are now but they are subject to change. I'm going over the documentation again and if I find something I missed I'll, of course, implement any useful features. A new version (2.9) is in beta now and when it gets the green light my system administrator assured me that he'd compile it as soon as I get it.

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