Well, I was a bit late on last week's "Thoughts", but I suspect that everybody was sleeping off the turkey anyway since I only got a couple of hits in the interim. I went up to Phelps for the turkey day weekend, and had to work Sunday night -- But it's there, and that makes four weeks!
I'm not entirely happy with my latest effort though. It is my first movie review, and I didn't have the time to really do a good job of it. Although I do not plan on doing regular movie reviews, I will do at least one more so as to get it right.
Last week was extremely busy even for me; working 44 hours in 4 days and then going out of town for 3 didn't leave much time for reading; not to mention writing. This whole month is going to be very busy. I will have over 60 hours this week; physical inventory starts next week, and with our other console operator on vacation, I am scheduled for 74 hours! The week of the 15th looks pretty good, with only 50-60 hours if all goes well. Then comes -- And I am REALLY dreading this -- the Christmas/New Year holidays.
Greatly under-staffed, just try to get time off for everybody, and at the same time get all the processing done for the close of physical inventory then all of the year-end processing. I already know that I will be working new year eve.
I am however committed to keeping up with my writing. I may be a bit late from time to time but not if I can help it; making deadlines is very important, so I am determined to make them -- Short of jeopardizing my "real job." I guess that I am also making excuses in advance too, but I should have more time in the new year to focus on improving the quality; if not the quantity of my writing.