
For The Week Ending: December 27, 1997.

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Another End And A New Beginning

Another year is gone. It's hard to believe that it's over already. It seems that the older I get the faster they go by. And not only the year is gone. Also at an end is my long-awaited two-month Sabbatical. I've had my rest and now need to form a routine for the next year and beyond.

As I look back on the last year, it seems that I spent most of my energy getting out of that dead-end job that dominated most of my "Thoughts." Now that I've accomplished that goal, I am focused on establishing a new career path.

Also over the last year, I've been trying to figure out just what I wanted to do with this space. It seems that I still struggle each week with the same questions that I was wrestling last February. While my audience has been somewhat defined, it is never quite apparent just who is reading from one week to another.

I've made email contact with several old friends over the last year and I've not heard from some of them since. How's everyone doing out there? Judging from my hit counter, I know that all who I've made contact with are not keeping up with this column on a weekly basis. I know that some check in occasionally and read a few stories at a time. I'll have to go through my address book and send a note to those from whom I have not heard. Keep those cards and letters coming folks -- not literally of course, email is best for me.

Last September I was having some trouble writing my story so attempted to determine why, hoping for some curative measure which would provide me with some guidance for my writing. While I did redesign my heading for this column and better define it's purpose with an "about" text, I am still grappling with some of those issues.

When I set out to write this weekly column, I thought that with practice it would get easier. I thought that I would write faster as I better understood the craft. Instead though, I seem to be spending more and more time each week. I now find myself spending hours searching for that perfect word, looking for more pith, and attempting to phrase each sentence just right, never accepting that my work is done; whereas in the beginning, I didn't try so hard; I didn't care about those things because I didn't deem myself to be a writer -- but now I do.

The most difficult task each week has been to choose a topic. Once chosen, and when I get that first sentence down, the job is half done. I always try for a beginning, a middle, and an end; but in looking back I see that I was not always that cohesive -- something to strive for in 1998. In each article I hope that I had something of interest to say. I hope that each week has given the reader a little more insight as to who I am as I endeavor to understand myself.

I don't know what to expect from the new year. I am at that juncture of which I have written and like beginning a new story, the most difficult task lies ahead . . . I must choose a direction. Once chosen, though, I hope that the road will take me to a fruitful and fulfilling end -- with an interesting middle.

In any case, you are invited along for the ride as I will continue to provide in this space, a weekly glimpse into my thoughts. So, until next year, from Julie and I to you and yours, have a happy and safe new year.

These thoughts copyright 1997 by Greg Roggeman.

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