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This time last year I was celebrating both my freedom and the completion of one year of writing this column; now, I'm reflecting on the last year and contemplating the next.
While I do want to continue this weekly writing exercise, I've been feeling less and less that I have something to say. In the beginning, I felt compelled -- driven -- to write. Now, though, I've been feeling more like a know-it-all windbag spouting impertinent drivel.
My friend, Audy, called today. He read my last few installments and thought that I sounded somewhat depressed, and maybe I am just a little bit down these days; but don't worry, loyal readers, I'll get over it. I guess that I've simply run out of things to say, but anyone who knows me will probably agree that this is only a temporary lull in my otherwise incessant pontificating.
And, I think that's about all I have to say for this week. Thanks for checking in each week (all four of you); with any luck, I'll be back to my blithering self soon.