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After a post-New-Year snow storm, last weekend, it's been extremely cold (sub-zero) here, this week. This is a good time to be looking for excuses to stay in the house for as long as possible -- such as listing your home page in as many online indexes as possible.
It would also be a good time to hibernate, but I just can't sleep that long; that, and even if I could, I don't think that Julie would let me get away with it, anyway. So, the next best thing to shoveling snow, I decided to spend a couple days clearing the digital path to my new website. Now that I'm pretty sure I won't be moving it again, it's safe to update my listings to reflect the change in my URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and email address. It took longer than I thought but I think I'm done, at last. It takes 2 to 4 weeks for the new listings to show up in some of the search engines, but by the end of the month, I should be pretty darn easy to find.
I added my new URL to every directory I could think of, from AltaVista to WebCrawler, and then dug through the Dogpile for more. Some, like Northern Light, send out robots -- in this case, Gulliver -- to follow all of the links and map out your whole website, automatically. Others, such as the rigidly structured, Yahoo! require you to fill out an online form, which is reviewed by a real person, who then puts entries into the appropriate categories, personally.
I'm already getting referrals from Yahoo! and, Gulliver, so far the only robot to index my entire site, has sent a few surfers my way, as well. I may not have all that much to offer the web, but for whatever it's worth, I'm in the book.
I sure hope it warms up soon. it's back to the books on Wednesday, so I've got to go out there. I think that I'm done fiddling with the new website, though, and with the exception of this weekly missive, I can concentrate on my studies, now.
So, until then, I think I'll curl up by the glow of the monitor and read a good book. As always, thanks for stopping by; and, until next week, try to stay safe and warm.