It’s 2025, and New Year’s Day today. Happy New Year! In reality it’s just Wednesday. Another one. Hump Day. The middle of the week. The downward slope of the week. Another day of trying to make up my mind what to cook for dinner! My greatest issue will be trying to remember to write 2025 instead of 2024 and trying to figure out how we got back to January again. It’s true that the older you get, it seems like the years go by faster.
Today many of us will use the phrase “I remember 2024 like it was yesterday”. We will think it’s funny, and it is, but really, yesterday was just Tuesday! In a week a lot of us will be packing away our Christmas decorations and our houses will look like any other day and “un-sparkly”. As for me, I will leave my decorations up for as long as I can get away with it, or until they become annoying to clean around. I’m hoping for February!
Did I make any New Year’s Resolutions? Did you? I did not. I’m pathetic at keeping to them and usually by the end of the first week of the new year I’ve forgotten what they were because they were made in the heat of the moment when I aspired to be a great goal-maker. There are several things I’d like to aspire to, but I know that I don’t really have the time or the inclination to reach them.
On reflection, 2024 wasn’t a terrible year, but it wasn’t the best one either. I struggled a lot with my mental health (the newest buzz word that is getting flung around). It’s a quiet thief that sneaks into your life and slowly steals from you, making you doubt everything you do and say. Regrets for saying things that I did, but secretly feeling victorious for saying it. I’m still struggling, but I’ll figure it out. I always do. It’s exhausting always being the “strong” one. I don’t have all the answers, and I don’t want them. The responsibility is just too much.
The best news of 2024 was that we finally paid off our house! I know that you never really own a house and that it always totally owns you, but that little piece of paper saying “paid in full” is very satisfying to have. Now if we could just have a few months (years) of nothing substantial happening, that would be awesome, thanks! But have you met us? The universe has a knack for kicking us in the proverbial gluteus maximus fairly regularly, so we will be tentatively and cautiously looking around every corner and anticipating “stuff”.
I also survived another LinFest! It totally consumes me for months and last year was no different. Actually, this last LinFest was very different to organize. I honestly didn’t think we’d pull it off due to so many obstacles, but it came together in the end and was a success. I have since resigned from LinFest and will not be involved in it again. I’ve babied it for years, but I think it has run its course and there needs to be changes going forward. Looking for new volunteers to run with it!
Greg, however, had a great business year. He smashed all kinds of records and is very pleased with himself – as he should be! He is as busy as he can be and still loves what he does. He has definitely found his niche and excels at it. The number of recurring clients he has proved it.
I’m sure 2025 has a lot in store for us. Maybe I’ll write about it. I’m sure I’ll say and do things I shouldn’t, and regret it, but also be rather pleased that I did. I will plod through the year and do my best to accomplish things, but don’t hate me if I don’t!
May 2025 be your peaceful come-back-year. I wish you love, joy, peace, health, prosperity, kindness and tolerance. Let’s not look back at the end of 2025 with sadness and regret. Take it month by month, week by week, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Breathe! Rest! Sleep! Repeat!
Tag: Christmas
A Look Back at 2022
Well, it is the end of another year. Every day just seems to blend into another one and the way I know it’s the end of the year is because there is an onslaught of adverts on TV for fitness equipment and weight loss solutions! I always consider attempting to exercise more and eat less, but in order to not cause myself any angst or depression when I fail (and I WILL fail), I prefer to adopt a healthy living lifestyle – at least I will try…
I’m not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I think it’s a plot generated by a very clever marketeer to get people to do or buy things that they really have no interest in. There’s a moment of brief delight when you’re able to stick to your resolution but a more lasting hatred and depression when you cheat or fail to keep it. I don’t have time for that, and why would I add to life’s already difficult issues?
Even though January 1st is the start of a new year, it’s really just the day after December 31st, a Sunday this year! Just another day full of cleaning, clearing up, cooking and routine. On the upside, for me at least, it’s winter, my absolute favourite time of the year. The craziness of Christmas is over, time to reflect and reset my thoughts and time to put aside all the sadness and chaos of 2022. I’m ready!
So, how was 2022?
In January we had quite a big vet bill because we had all 3 cats at the vet for various reasons. Weight check for Bear, dental and calcium checks for Aggie and checks on Sylvester for asthma and kidney disease (Sylvester is stage 3). I had a Covid booster, and we both got back into our routines of attending meetings, some by Zoom and some in-person.
February was Greg’s birthday – the big 60! He handled it very well and is taking 60 in his stride. In fact, I don’t think he’s ever been in such great shape and health! He is obsessed with the Apple Watch which encourages him to exercise and be healthier. He’s doing a great job. I threw him a little party and in order to keep us from any large groups, I’d asked his friends and family to send me an audio message that I could play for him. He was very touched and surprised. It was also Bear’s 14th birthday. He had a little party with us but was too scared to blow out his candle! I’ve been dealing with trying to close my dad’s estate and not getting anywhere. I finally found a great attorney in South Africa and had my first phone call with her while she totally put my mind at ease and promised to do WAY better than the bank I was dealing with. I also celebrated 18 years of being in the USA.
March was “all systems go” with dad’s estate. Our main aim was to get me appointed as executor, fire the bank and get a gazzilion documents signed and notarized and sent back to South Africa. It takes time, but I got it done. It took her a day to have me appointed as executor – considering that the bank had taken over 2 years and done nothing, this was nothing short of a miracle! I also did a lot of cat sitting for a couple of friends. It was potato planting time and I got my spuds in, a little later than normal, but they were in. Then the rain started and they kinda drowned, but sprouted so I left them alone.
April – the cat sitting continued! I had to redo all the paperwork to sell dad’s house and managed to get everything notarized for that and resubmited everything. Greg and I signed up to take part in a local “walk to Jerusalem” during Lent. Together with a bunch of people we aimed to jointly walk the equivalent of the distance to Jerusalem. It was a great incentive to get moving and we’re hoping to do it again in 2023. Sylvester ended up at the emergency vet with gastritis after stealing and partially eating a pork loin that was defrosting in the sink! I also got my hair permed! Yay, curls!! Sylvester celebrated his 13th birthday and had a little party with Bear and Aggie. We were enjoying wonderful Spring weather and the temptation to plant seeds, flowers and plants was nearly overwhelming, but I know better and I’m glad I waited.
May saw some more cat sitting for friends. It was Bear’s turn at the emergency vet due to him limping badly. He has arthritis pretty badly, but I needed to check it out as he was in pain. We had the first of our neighbourhood association’s concerts in the park – Lindenwood Live. We had perfect weather for it and a fantastic turnout. I planted most of my garden.
June: guess what? More cat sitting! Bear and Sylvester had a vet checkup and all was good. We had the house treated for termites. It was interesting to watch, because they had to drill a hole every 18” all the way around the house – difficult for them because we have concrete all the way around the house. We should be good for 10-15 years! Our area is prone to termites and I’d spotted them so we wanted to take care of it right away. We had another concert in the park and again it was well attended with perfect weather.
July, we drove up to Phelps to be with Greg’s mom who celebrated her 82nd birthday and for the 4th of July. Summer is pretty in Phelps, and she got some of her garden growing. Covid is still on our minds, so we didn’t go anywhere or mix with groups. Aggie had a calcium check up and she’s doing pretty well and has no need for any meds at this stage. With LinFest coming up and some issues with people dropping out of the committee, I got involved again. I have some contacts and experience so was able to help quite a bit. LinFest is all consuming for me, so I got stuck in again. We were able to dig up all the potatoes. Didn’t get a great crop this year – not sure why but I’m sure it was weather related. We’ll try again this year!
August was a difficult month with a couple of friends passing away and one f my cousins. All 3 cats were at the vet for various bloodwork and checkups – new medications issued and rechecks done – this will be ongoing as they are getting older (13, 14 and 15). More meetings, funerals and Aggie had her 15th birthday party! Greg and I celebrated 19 years of marriage. Where did that time go…?
September was my birthday month. Stuff always seems to happen around my birthday and this year was no different. We went to our first in-person meeting and in a moment of stupidity, did not wear a mask. BAM! Covid! It’s inevitable that we all get it at some stage. We were fully vaccinated and boosted, wore masks at every opportunity…except ONE time at a neighbourhood association meeting! We knew better but took the risk and I’m still mad at myself for not masking. It won’t happen again! I got it first, and Greg and I immediately distanced ourselves. He stayed off work and rescheduled all his clients and then 5 or 6 days later, as I was recovering, he tested positive so more client cancellations while he recovered. Just like everyone says, Covid is exhausting, and it took us a few weeks to get back to where we were. In between that, Sylvester needed to go to the vet and a friend very kindly stepped in for me and took care of that. We were very careful with the handover of the cat carrier but she didn’t get sick so we must have done it right! The timing of us getting Covid couldn’t have been worse as we were in the last week or 2 of LinFest planning. I had so much to do but couldn’t go anywhere until I was negative and then it was all systems go! I was exhausted, but it was done.
October was the time for LinFest, our neighbourhood association’s Fall Festival. I’m one of the co-chairs (again) and the day started off very early. Vendors, artisans, food and beverage vendors, musicians, kids’ entertainment all arrived mostly on time. We had a dog parade with doggies dressed up, prizes, raffles and so much fun. We had the perfect weather for a change, and it was a great success. Kudos to my co-chair, Emily, who is a fundraising monster! I was so relieved to get home and get some rest. The week after LinFest was a medical week for us. Sylvester’s bloodwork check, my 2nd shingles shot (OMG!) and my first colonoscopy prep and procedure – all went well. We both got our flu shots and Greg got his first shingles shot. Our arms are full! I dug up most of my veggies, although the weather was so good that some of them were still producing fruit. I packed away my fairy/gnome garden too – sleep tight!
November, we packed up the car and headed back up to Phelps to be with Greg’s mom for Thanksgiving. We lucked out with the weather and had a totally uneventful drive there and back. It was the first time since 2019 that we saw most of the family and it was great to reconnect and marvel at how much the nephews had changed. We have a new family baby on the way too! Thanksgiving generally consists of food, food and some more food, and this year was no different! On our last night we had a bit of excitement with the CO2 detector blasting at us, and we discovered that the gas fireplace threw a wobbly and tried to kill us! We called 911 and they sent not one, but two fire trucks to the house and used a detector to find out if there was any issue. There was, so the gas to the fireplace was switched off and we had to air out the house for half an hour. It was late and we needed to be up early to head home so we were pretty tired. New detectors were ordered (thank you Lisa – Greg’s sister) and the house is safe again. The day after we got home was “decorating day” at the Roggemanor! I, unashamedly, have a lot of Christmas decorations, and I’m not afraid to use them. It takes me the whole day and Christmas officially threw up all over the basement. I only decorate in the basement because I’m able to close the door at night and the cats can’t get down there and destroy it all. More cat sitting for a couple of friends. More vet visits!
December! Christmas! My favourite holiday. I like to recreate the Christmas story in my head and while I know that Jesus being born in a manger with the 3 wise men present and everything going according to plan is not a reality. The reality in MY mind is that there might have been a storm, the stable smelled and was filthy, Mary was in chronic pain, Joseph was freaked out by all the fluids, the wise men were late, the animals were in the way, the roof leaked etc. My experience tells me that man plans, and God laughs! Don’t get me wrong, I am a believer and I totally believe in what the Bible tells us about Jesus’ birth, but I’m sure there’s a lot not mentioned. I’d love to write a modern-day rendition of what I think might happen, but I’d be worried it would come across as sacrilegious, which is not my intention at all. We were cautiously optimistic this year and had a couple of very small gatherings at the Cheesehead Saloon at the Roggemanor. We invited a few of our neighbour’s over to help us celebrate and had a few lovely evenings catching up with them and wishing them well. Christmas Eve, we had a couple of friends over for dinner and chilled with them. Christmas Day was a lovely quiet day with just the 2 of us. We opened presents, let the cats play with the wrapping paper and just chilled out at home all day. I cooked and we stuffed ourselves and then dutifully nodded off in front the TV “watching” Christmas movies – like one does! Boxing Day is not celebrated here but since Christmas Day was on a Sunday, Monday was observed as a holiday. We ate leftovers and again, nodded off in front of the TV…! New Year’s Eve was no different. We got some snacky food together and got comfy in the basement by the fireplace and watched a couple of movies. We managed to stay awake (mostly) until midnight, guzzled down a quick glass of champers and went to bed.
And there you have it!
Looking back, it was an interesting year, full of stresses, disappointments, and frustrations, but also a time of joy, fun, laughter and relief. My dad’s house was finally sold and out of his name and my responsibility. The estate is not yet closed, but the house is done – it took over 3 years! This was a huge relief. It is incredibly difficult to try and deal with a late estate from a million miles away. Add African time to that and it’s near impossible! I’m so thankful to my attorney, realtor and most of all, my friend Clancy who is my power of attorney and gave me perfect advice and ran around all over the place to take care of business for me. I’m incredibly blessed to have friends like her and wish that on everyone. “Friendship is a responsibility, not an opportunity”.
Greg had a great year again, hitting some new records, despite having Covid and not working for about a month (quarantine, vacations etc.). He’s pretty much at capacity and still loving what he does. If only his wife could find an open slot for a booking…
Whatever you have planned in 2023 we wish you strength to accomplish it, joy while doing it and prosperity as you reap the rewards from having done it! Be blessed!
Jumping Jiminy Crickets!
It’s a beautiful Autumn day today and I decided to go for a walk around my neighbourhood. Sweatpants and t-shirt were all that was needed although I kind of wish I had worn shorts instead.
I set off up our block towards the park, thinking I’d stop and sit under a tree and think about stuff, but it was so windy that I was genuinely concerned that the tree may fall on my head! So, I kept on trucking. Up the hill, down the hill, up again and back down.
What I did discover was that every leaf in St. Louis deposited itself under my feet. All, that is, except for the leaves on the tree in front of my house. That tree is hanging on dearly to its leaves and waiting for a time when, just as I think I’ve finished raking everything up, it’s going to let go of a hundred million of those little darlings all over the front yard!
I also forgot to tie my hair up. Big mistake! My hair flew from the one side of my head, to the other side and ended up sticking straight up. Even my eyebrows and eyelashes blew around. It wasn’t the Cape Town type of wind where you have to lean into it to be able to walk forward, but rather huge gusts that take you by surprise and cause you to lose your balance a little.
Today is trash day too, so all the recycle bins have been blown over and are starting to be blown down the street. That should cause some interesting moments when everyone comes home from work and tries to figure out which bin is theirs. I’m sneaky – I’ve painted our house number inside ours.
The pretty season is over! I’m sad to see it go, but we had a good run and Autumn has been lovely. I think we’re on the bottom end of it now and heading towards winter – my favourite season. It means the holidays are around the corner. Thanksgiving next week (wait, what??) and 6 weeks later, Christmas! In just over a week’s time I will be hauling all our Christmas decorations out and plopping them all over the house. Maybe even a few things for outside too this year, seeing as we will be home.
In the meantime I’m going to enjoy this lovely weather and take my cuppa tea outside!